
be both winners中文什么意思

发音:   用"be both winners"造句
  • 并列第一名
  • both:    adj. 两,双,双方,两面,二者。 both time ...
  • winner:    n. 胜利者;胜马;得奖者。
  • the winners:    优胜者
  • winners:    温纳斯; 致胜球
  • winners and:    winners谁是真正的胜者
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        both:    adj. 两,双,双方,两面,二者。 both time ...
        winner:    n. 胜利者;胜马;得奖者。
        the winners:    优胜者
        winners:    温纳斯; 致胜球
        winners and:    winners谁是真正的胜者
        always be the winners:    神龙赌圣之旗开得胜
        deserved winners:    当之无愧的获奖者
        information winners:    资讯世纪的赢家
        proven winners:    信得过赢家花卉
        straight winners:    连着几个得分球
        the winners of life:    一样的人
        winners and sinners:    奇谋妙计五福星; 五福星
        winners information:    获奖者信息
        winners ribbon:    冠军彩带
        both:    adj. 两,双,双方,两面,二者。 both times两次。 both sides 双方。 both these books这两本书。 both (the) brothers兄弟二人。 both his hands 两手。 B- girls are beautiful. 两个姑娘都漂亮。 I don't want both books. 我不是两本书都要〔只要其中一本〕。 have it both ways (在议论中)忽左忽右〔以自相矛盾的观点作为论据〕。 not both 一面,单独。 pron. 两者,二者,双方。 B- are dead. 这两人都死了。 both of them 他们双方,两者都。 B- of the girls are beautiful. 两个姑娘都漂亮。 They were scientists both. 双方都是科学家〔both 与 they 同格〕。 I don't know both. 我不是两个人都认识〔只认识其中之一〕。 adv. 皆,哪个都;并且,兼,又〔用在有and 连接的二个以上词句前,与neither...nor 正相反〕。 B- brother and sister are dead. 哥哥和妹妹都死了。 It is both good and cheap. 它又便宜又好,它价廉物美。 She can both sing and dance. 她又会唱歌又会跳舞,她能歌善舞。 both before the war and during the war 无论在战前还是在战时。 both Chaucer and Shakespeare and Milton 无论是乔塞、莎士比亚还是弥尔顿。
        both a and:    和都; 既...又
        both… and:    既…又; 连接的并列主语
        both… and …:    既…又
        both…not…:    不都是……(部分否定)
        not both:    “与非”门
        not both=both not:    并非两个都.
        award prizes to the winners:    给优胜者发奖
        big winners and big losers:    大赢家与大输家
        fifa world cup winners:    世界杯足球赛冠军成员
        innovators are biggest winners:    创新是最大的赢家


  1. be both ashamed and melancholy 什么意思
  2. be both deaf and mute [dumb] 什么意思
  3. be both disgusting and stubborn 什么意思
  4. be both lazy and greedy 什么意思
  5. be both pitiable and ridiculous 什么意思
  6. be bound apprentice to sb 什么意思
  7. be bound by 什么意思
  8. be bound by custom 什么意思
  9. be bound by legal and moral ties 什么意思
  10. be bound for 什么意思


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